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cross sell

Sell more tickets

Get Started
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Drive ticket sales on even more of your events.

Most ticket agents are happy to use your ticket sales to upsell other people’s events.

We don’t do that. Instead, we let you promote your events in that space. For free. With Cross Sell, you can get more of your events in front of your customers. At a time when they’re more likely to buy another ticket from you — right after a purchase.

  • Upsell your events
  • No competitor ads
  • Boost your event views

Cross Sell is great for you, as your events get more views and you make more ticket sales. And it’s great for your customers too. Because they see more events from a brand they know they can trust. Yours.

Get Started
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Get more eyes on your events

Curate your own line up of events to upsell to your customers, right after they’ve purchased from you.

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We never promote competitors

When your customers purchase your tickets, they’ll only ever see your events promoted on the order confirmation screen.

Sell more tickets

Get more of your events in-front of your customers and make more ticket sales, with no extra effort.

Get 20% more customers to see your events, for free.

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1k+ events have benefited from all those extra views.

“We list events on Fatsoma through a number of brands. Cross Sell helps us spread the word between them, reach more of our target audience and sell more tickets.”

Adam Jay, York Parties
york parties logo

“Cross Sell is such an easy way to tell my customers about my other events. It’s free marketing for minimal effort.”

George Thoburn, Motion Bristol
motion bristol logo

3 simple steps to drive ticket sales on more of your events.

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Choose an event to add Cross Sell to

You can add Cross Sell to any of your events. And setting it up is simple.

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Pick the events you want to upsell

Just paste your Fatsoma event URLs and customise the message that introduces your Cross Sell.


See your ticket sales climb

It’s a simple, direct way to get more eyes on your events. And, crucially, even more ticket sales.

Your questions, answered.

Can I add Cross Sell to all of my events?

Can I customise the message on my Cross Sell?

Which events can I Cross Sell?

How much does it cost to use?

people cheering

We’re more than just a ticketing system. We’re a way to build a stronger, more successful events business.

Fatsoma gives you the tools to build a loyal customer base that you can re-engage whenever you need. Boosting your revenues, freeing up your time, and making your marketing go further.

Grow your brand and your events business with confidence with Fatsoma.

Get Started

Ready to get started?

Get Started